Demonic damage, insigna and grafity these demons leave us insane. I mean I know they are going to hell where the belong but not for nothing their artwork is something to look at. On the other side of the yang the damage they are leaving is beyond bad. If at the end of this thing we don't have a happy ending and everything returns to normal then I'm going to have to find us another place to live cause this one will likely fall apart. Here we go yall take a look at what demonic entities leave as there mark, the grafity left and some artwork thrown in.
My next post I will be uploading a video of us catching a cloaked demon and then making him loose his cloak. That's right we got one on video last night. He thought he was going to cloak in my camo hoodie but when the lights hit he had go jump out and so did his friends.
Personally I think its kind of interesting that something that was once in heaven and will be in hell was in my room 2 feet away. He smelled terriable though lol.
Until the next time
R.P Owner of the demon infested and oppressed house down the lane AKA The 600 Demon House
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