Well this is a new one for us. Last night I keep hearing something in the closet where we store old stuff. This closet is also the spot where I first noticed we had a big demon problem here. Anyway I took my phone and used my rapid shot app with just a hint of movement to break the light spectrum.
That's really the only way you will see these things unless your very lucky.
As expected I seen the little legion of demons in there clocked into every item in the closet. Prob at least 75 of them.. Anyway. As I was going thru the pictures I seen one of these demonic pest from hell zap into the closet and form into shape.
I don't think they like me to blog about them. The air has dropped a good 25 degrees on my left shoulder and that horriable demonic smell is coming right in my nose.
Until the next time
R.P Owner of the demon infested and oppressed house down the lane AKA The 600 Demon House
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