Demon caught behind Demonic Photograph
IN case you missed my first post, a long with everything else going on this demonic mini legion that Is terrorizing my home and family has also been messing with my old film photographs. Pictures that are just a few years old to picturea that are 110 years old. Things have been changes in the pictures, I have been completely removed from pictures and now my old pictures are being blacked out by this demonic plauge.
Of note is this picture.
Before all this happened this was a normal picture if my ex wife pregnant with my little boy. A week or so as after I knew we had a major problem here I started looking at old pics and that's when I noticed my pictures had been changed. While going thru them i stopped at this picture and looked at it. While doing so it started getting to hot to hold. The picture was burning my hand.
I laid the picture on the bed and watched as before my eyes the colors change like the pic was on fire. What really caught my eye was in the top right.. it looked as though somebody was looking at me. If you will see in the video the top right side where its turned purple it has changed so much that it looks like a set of eyes are looking back at you.
Now, the interesting part. Last week while we were experiencing a high level of demonic activity I decided to shoot a quick video of the picture. Now if you will look to the very right of the picture you will see a white red and green grocery back from a local store. To the left of it you will see a brown miniature demon setting there looking like hed flexing his muscles. There was nothing there when I shot the video. I always make sure the background is clean so there are no doubts if anything shows up after filming.
My guess is this little demonic critter was going to use the grocery bag as a cloak seeing how they are both about the same size and the tact that demons love plastic bags as cloaks. I've got videos of them cloaking and which bags up to trash bags I will be uploading soon do keep a eye out
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